East of Gettysburg Custer vs. Stuart by David F. Riggs.
This small volume by David F. Riggs explains the actions occurring on 3 July, 1863 at the East Cavalry Field during the Battle of Gettysburg. Sometimes referred to as "The Cavalry Battle that Saved the Union", this book reveals the tactical and strategic importance of the role of General George A. Custer in holding off the Confederate cavalry commanded by General Jeb Stuart.

If Custer had not stopped the gray clad horseman, General Pickett's now famous charge most certainly would have broken through the Union lines, and the South could have won the battle and possibly the war. It was Custer that saved the day.

Book Title: East of Gettysburg - Custer vs. Stuart.
Author: David F. Riggs.
Published by The Old Army Press, 1970.

Provenance: Acquired by purchase.

Item is Framed


Riggs, David, East of Gettysburg - Custer vs. Stuart, , Old Army Press, Fort Collins, 1970.

Image Credits:
Zaricor Flag Collection