
Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Are there stars on obverse? no
Are there stars on reverse? no


Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Color of Top Stripe Blue
Color of Bottom Stripe White
Has a Blood Stripe? no
Comments on Stripes Flag is a bi-color
Blue is light


Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Description of Crest/Emblem The flag is a horizontal bi-color flag with light blue over white that belonged to the Alleanza Nationale (National Alliance). Centered but offset towards the bottom is a white disc, bordered by black lines, in which there is a stylized flame that has three parts that boast the Italian national colors of green, white and red that emanate from a red and white trapezoidal base bearing the initials M.S.I.
Above the disc in two rows are the words in plain black capital letters:
ALLEANZA NAZIONALE, (National Alliance).


Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.
Nation Represented Italy

Title information is available upon specific request. Additional information available upon request to researchers, writers and others demonstrating special circumstances. In some situations, information may not be available.